Knit Pro Rejoice Pompom Makers – set of 4 – sizes 3.5, 5.5, 7 & 9 cm


Rejoice Pom Pom makers come in a set 4 with sizes 3.5mm, 5.5mm, 7.0mm & 9.0mm. These are the regular round arms.

1 in stock

SKU: 10871 Category:


Rejoice Pom Pom makers come in a set 4 with sizes 3.5mm, 5.5mm, 7.0mm & 9.0mm. These are the regular round arms.
The back of the packaging has instructions on how to make these adorable Pom Pom’s. You simply wrap yarn around the arms, tie in the middle and cut the yarn to create unique Pom Pom’s.
Pom Pom’s can be used as an addition to scarves, hats, blankets, garments, home decorations or anything you can think of!
Knit Pro’s Pom Pom makers are a must for any crafter.


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