
Wet-Felting; A Brief History Of An Ancient Art-form

Wet-felting is a textile technique and has been practiced for thousands of years. There’s evidence of it across some of the earliest human civilisations. And it makes sense, it’s an accessible art from, allowing us to transform raw wool into something durable, practical and extremely beautiful. From Rough Beginnings Some of the earliest evidence of […]

Finishing your quilt

So you have made a patchwork quilt – well done you!  The next bit often makes me scratch my head and reach for one of my many quilting books so here I have some useful hints and tips to get your quilt bound to perfection. Don’t panic here is the low down on how to […]

How to make a 3D felt item using a resist

I have just completed another wet felt workshop this week and the guests made some fantastic glasses cases.  As they left one requested I send the work instructions on how to make a 3D felt item using a resist to her so she can try again at home.  I have been meaning to post this […]

Flower Pounding at After School Club

Recently at after school club Sonia had the children investigating the art of flower pounding.  This craft is exactly what it sounds like, the process of transferring the natural pigments and colours of flowers and plants onto fabric or paper through the use of a hammer or mallet. During the session fresh flowers and leaves […]

Community Art Project with NPHT

We are very excited to be hosting the National Paralympic Heritage Trust with a community art project with the theme of costume designer, opening and closing ceremonies.  With a focus on use of textiles – flags and colours. We will have two evening sessions in April.  The first on Monday 17th April 2023 where we […]

Sewing Machines – what to buy?

I am often asked which sewing machine or brand do you recommend. As I am sure you have gathered I am totally into recycling and reusing so I would always go for a second hand machine over a new one, but I know that this is a risky approach if you have no experience. ** […]